DEC Reminder: All Ice Fishing Shanties Must Be Removed from Water Bodies by March 15

All ice fishing shanties must be removed from ice on water bodies by March 15, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) reminded ice anglers today.

Shanties that fall partially through the ice may be difficult to remove and also create hazards for snowmobiles and other motorized vehicles on the ice. Shanties that remain after the ice has melted away (ice out) also present navigation hazards for boats.

State regulations that require ice shanties to be removed are based on the average date when good ice still exists on waters, not on the actual thickness of ice. Shanties must be removed by March 15 even if the ice on a water body is still thick

Shanty owners who don’t remove their shanties can be ticketed and would face a maximum possible fine of $100.