Information Alert: Lake George Park Commission Codifying Dock Decisions

Members of the Lake George Association staff attended a presentation by Lake George Park Commission officials on Wednesday where Commission staff presented to the public a proposal it had drafted discussing the Commission’s jurisdiction over various components of docks and wharfs.

As part of the Lake George Association’s educational mission, they wanted to make sure members and friends were aware of the Commission’s proposed changes.

The Commission says that it wants to codify into policy years of Park Commission decisions that officials say have been based on current regulatory definitions and longstanding practice.

For instance, the Commission’s draft policy notes that permits are generally not required on accessories and incidental structures associated with docks and wharfs like diving boards, slides (that don’t pass the 16-foot height limit), temporary timbers used between docks in the off-season, as well as boat whips and cleats.

There is a list included in the Commission’s draft policy of 16 examples of additions where permits are not required. You can find it on the Commission’s website at

On the other hand, the Commission’s proposed policy notes that permits are required to change or add ramps, new square footage on docks, independent tie-off points in the Lake, sundecks and permanent frame structures (with or without canvas), and rails and fences, among other projects.

There are 12 examples of projects where permits are required that are listed in the draft policy. Those are included in the Commission’s document on the commission’s website at

The Commission’s draft policy notes that structures or items not listed in the document are assessed on a case-by-case basis.

You can find the Commission’s draft Policy and Procedure Memorandum on the Commission’s website at

If after reviewing the proposed changes you would like to comment, the Commission is taking comments through the Commission’s email account until March 1. You can send comments to