Now For Some History: February 13, 1912

Taken from the Glens Fall Star: February 13, 1912.

Wins First Money in Ice Race at Lake

Large numbers of lovers of horse racing assembled at the head of Lake George yesterday to witness the matinee races held over the kite-shaped course under the auspices of the Lake George Driving Association. The association officers are arranging for a three-day meeting to take place the last three days of this month. A number of excellent purses are to be offered and considerable interest is already being taken in the events.

The events yesterday consisted of two named races for purses of $50 each and a town race, with a prize of ten bushels of oats for first place and five for second. Four heats were necessary to decide the named races and five to decide the town race.

James Dougrey’s “Putnam Jack” of Glens Falls took first money in the first event of the afternoon, securing first place in the first, second and fourth heats and finishing second in the third, in which James Wilson’s “John O” nosed Putnam Jack out at the wire. The fastest time for the event was 2:23 1-2 made in the second heat.