Andrew Hudon Swimming Lake George Update

Andrew Hudon swimming Lake George on Saturday September 6, 2014.

Update: Sunday 9/7/2014 – 8:35 PM

Andrew reportedly got in to Lake George Village at about 7:00 pm, which makes it roughly 36 hours overall. Today the Lake was kinder, although the usual boat traffic in the south basin was a minor bother.

He demonstrated incredible endurance – doing a crawl all the way and was as powerful today at noon as yesterday at noon.

Congratulations to Andrew on a remarkable achievement.

Sunday 9/7/2014- 3:00 PM

Andrew Hudon’s swim down Lake George seems to be going well. Yesterday the Lake was rough, with a steady south wind, so going from Ticonderoga was rough as well, but Andrew made it down in to the Narrows by about 6:00 pm. As of Sunday late morning, he was just south of the Narrows and heading down the middle of the southern basin of the Lake toward Dome Island, with a late Sunday afternoon arrival anticipated in Lake George Village.

Andrew as he “rounded Bluff Head” from Adler’s and Lucy White’s.

This is a fundraiser for The Colon Club and The Colon Cancer Alliance. Please offer your congratulations to Andrew by donating a bit toward exceeding his $10,000. goal. (It has raised over $7,500 by Sunday afternoon, so why not go for $20,000.) Go to where there is a link to donate directly.