Lake Restaurant Review: Blue Water Manor Tavern on the Lake

Blue Water Manor’s Tavern on the Lake offers a delightful dining experience on Lake George.

I know many people like to go out to eat by boat. So this year, I thought I’d start doing “reviews” of places that I’ve tried and enjoyed.

If you’re looking for a nice place to eat on Lake George that’s accessible by boat, you might want to consider Blue Water Manor’s Tavern on the Lake. Located in Basin Bay in Bolton, the new owners have recently constructed new docks for lakeside visitors.

A view from the lakeside, as you come in by boat.

It sits high off the water, offering commanding views from it’s lakeside bar. The food was delicious but expect to climb the stairs to enjoy the ambiance.

There was ample docking the day I visited, but is on a ‘first come – first serve’ basis.