Email to the Editor

Dear parishioners,

As you know, our new Bishop Edward Scharfenberger is visiting this weekend. Originally, he had planned to be at all four Masses, with a reception for him at Huletts Landing on Saturday evening. However, just yesterday (Monday), I received a call from him, apologizing that because of an unforeseen scheduling conflict, he can only come to this Sunday’s Masses and cannot join us on Saturday.

Bishop Scharfenberger had planned to be with us the whole weekend, so he is very sorry and said he is still looking forward to being with us this Sunday. We will move the reception to Sunday at Our Lady of Hope in Whitehall, since that now fits in his schedule. He will be at both Sunday Masses, 9:00 at St. Ann’s in Fort Ann, and 11:00 at Our Lady of Hope in Whitehall. Please join us for the Eucharistic procession after the Masses, as the bishop (our successor of the Apostles) brings the Lord Jesus into our streets, to bless our area and to show proudly our faith in the Real Presence of Christ in the Most Blessed Sacrament, the central truth and mystery of our Catholic faith.

Please also remember that Sunday Mass at Our Lady of Hope will be at 11:00 a.m. starting this Sunday. This will be a realistic schedule that allows the pastor to attend to and drive between his three communities in a reasonable way. Thank you for your understanding of this needed measure, and may God bless you.

Peace in Jesus
Through Mary,

Father Rendell Torres