EPA Honors LGA

Lake George Association Education coordinator Kristen Rohne and LGA Board of Directors President Victor Hershaft at the awards ceremony at EPA in Manhattan along with Judith Enck, EPA Regional Administrator; Michelle Depass, former Assistant Administrator of the EPA Office of International and Tribal Affairs and currently Dean of the Milano School at the New School for Public Engagement in New York City; and Bonnie Bellow, Director, Public Affairs Division.

The Lake George Association has been honored with a 2014 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Environmental Quality Award for their flagship environmental education program, The Floating Classroom.

The Environmental Quality Award is the highest recognition presented to the public by the EPA. Each year during Earth Week, the EPA recognizes individuals, businesses, government agencies, environmental and community-based organizations and members of the media in EPA Region 2 who have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to protecting and enhancing environmental quality and public health.

LGA Education Coordinator Kristen Rohne and Outreach Coordinator Emily DeBolt traveled to Manhattan to receive the award, where they were joined by Victor Hershaft, President of the LGA’s Board of Directors.