Huletts Post Office on POSTPlan: Your Vote Counts

So you’ve heard that the Huletts Landing Post Office is officially on the POSTPlan. This is the plan that cuts hours at rural post offices. It has been proposed that the Huletts Post Office have it’s hours cut from 8 hrs per day to 4 hrs per day. You think that’s the end of the matter. WRONG. The US Postal Service has been eliminating small rural Post Offices on the POSTPlan. This is how. Cutting the hours is but one option, all other options will lead to the closing of the Post Office. Over the next 24 months, the Postal Service will mail a letter, customer survey and the date of a community meeting to customers of post offices on the POSTPlan. USPS will provide four options for POSTPlan post offices. Choose the option for “realigned hours” in the USPS customer survey. Return it immediately to USPS. Any of the other three options will mean closure of the post office. That’s right! If any of the other three options are chosen, USPS will close the Post Office and announce that that was the preferred choice of the community.

Examples of this letter and survey can be found here.

USPS will tally the survey results and tell the fate of the post office at the community meeting.

The new realigned hours will go into effect 30 days after the community is notified of the fate of the post office, ONLY if that is the preferred option by those voting.

The Postal Service will be notifying postal customers over then next 24 months; however it is important to be ready. ONLY the Option for Realigned Hours will keep the post office open!

Realigned hours means postal service hours will be reduced to two, four, or six hours.

This message will repeat over the next two years until this letter and survey is mailed.

Please look at the draft letter and survey so you are prepared to help.