The Day After

While the last day of summer doesn’t technically arrive until a little later this month, the Labor Day weekend is usually thought of as the end of the summer “season.” If you were traveling yesterday, hopefully you’ve arrived home safely after a refreshing and fun weekend.

It’s always with a small tinge of sadness that we bid adieu to the past summer, as the leaves change and autumn approaches. I wish I had more time to talk with everyone who stopped me during the summer. I really appreciate hearing your comments and feedback on the site.

I wanted to thank everyone for continuing to read the Huletts Current and know that, while I have “stories in the pipeline,” the next three months are usually the slowest of the year to gather “news”. Please note that I’m always open to submissions, pictures and story ideas.

“But George, I need my fix of Huletts in the off-season too,” you say.

Well don’t worry, I’ll be posting all winter, God willing.

So as we head into autumn and all that comes with it; football, colored leaves, cooler weather, etc., I want to thank you, who have stuck with the Huletts Current as it has grown. I want to thank everyone for sticking with me throughout the journey and while the days may get shorter, and the kids may be going back to school, you’ll want to stop back over the “off-season” for history, news, opinion, pictures, and more. See you soon!