Winner of Lake George Bookmark Design Contest Announced

Lake George Village Mayor Robert Blais presented a framed copy of the bookmark to winner, Lynnaya Preuss, at the Lake George Central School.

The Lake George Association has announced the winner of the fifth annual Lake George Bookmark Design Contest, sponsored by the LGA and the village of Lake George. The winning design, created by Lynnaya Preuss, a 5th grade student at Lake GeorgeElementary School, features a young boy and girl looking out on the Lake with the slogan: ‘‘We are the future. Make the right choices. Keep our lake clean.’’

The bookmarks are available for free distribution through libraries, schools and other public venues. ‘‘If your organization would like to distribute the bookmarks, please contact us,’’ said LGA Director of Education Emily DeBolt.

In presenting the award, Mayor Blais asked the students ‘‘How many of you wish you could be swimming in the Lake right now?’’ Dozens of hands immediately shot up. He reminded the students that Lake George is not only the source we rely on for swimming and recreational fun, but for the very water we drink.

Lynnaya’s winning entry.

Each spring students are asked to focus on lake and watershed issues, such as water quality, invasive species, aquatic and terrestrial plants and animals, streams and wetlands, pollution, lake ecology and lake health. Through designing their own bookmarks, students try to encourage people to protect Lake George as an important natural resource.

The contest is open to students in Grades 4-7 from schools located within the Lake George watershed. Eight different area schools participated
this year: Bolton, Queensbury, Putnam, Lake George, Whitehall, Fort Ann, Ticonderoga, and St. Mary’s.

‘‘We received scores of entries this year, more than we ever have. Every year it is so much fun to look at all the entries we get,’’ said Ms. DeBolt. ‘‘There are always so many good ones that it is never an easy decision to pick just one winner.’’