
Correction to my Interview with Walt Lender, LGA Executive Director

In my interview with Mr. Lender of the Lake George Association, I asked the following question:

“The LGA has been in the forefront of removing large delta’s that have formed in the lake. The FUND for Lake George, your partner in the West Brook Conservation Initiative, is opposed to these efforts and says it may sue to stop them. What should people make of all of this?”

As someone who has had my words misstated in public at times in the past, I am keenly aware of the importance of getting my facts correct and I make every attempt to accurately convey the positions of those whom I base my questions and assumptions on.

The source for my original question was this Post Star article entitled: “Lake George groups clash over proposed dredging of brooks’ deltas.” The article details the disagreement between those who favor and those who oppose the removal of deltas in Lake George.

The quote from this article that formed the assumption of my question was this particular line: “Backers of the $250,000 Finkle Brook project expect the Fund to file a lawsuit if DEC signs off on the project.”

I was incorrect to state that the FUND for Lake George has said that it may sue. As you can see, the quote from the Post Star that I based my assumption on was from; “Backers of the … project” who were unnamed. As such, my question as originally stated was in error.

I can point out that when the Foster Brook delta removal project in Huletts Landing was approved by the NYSDEC, there was no legal action taken by the Fund or the Waterkeeper.

I am correcting my original post and apologize for the erroneous statement contained in my original question.