Who Represents the Students?

New York State spends more per student than any other state, but ranks only 38th in graduation rates. It’s obvious that our system is failing. And the reason it’s failing is because Albany has cared more about the business of education — contracts, salaries, and benefits — than they’ve cared about the needs of our children.

In Governor Cuomo’s State of the State address, he noted that all the players in the education establishment — school boards, principals, teachers and even bus drivers and maintenance staff — have lobbyists in Albany. Everyone that is… except the students. That’s why the Governor has pledged to take on a second job this year: lobbyist for the students.

Inspired by the Governor’s remarks, a group of East Harlem high school students filmed their own video about what this means to them: “My Governor, My Lobbyist,” was recently featured in the New York Times.

Sad but true!