Bravos to Washington County

… for including in this year’s tax bill an easy to read, concise explanation as to where every cent of every tax dollar goes.

It’s a real eye opener. Now if only the school districts would do the same.

What caught my attention is how bloated NY’s Medicaid system is:

The largest single mandated program Washington County must pay for is Medicaid.

  • $23.07 of every $100 of County taxes goes to fund the local cost for Medicaid. New York has the most expensive Medicaid program in the nation.
  • New York’s Medicaid costs are higher than the next two States combined (California and Texas).
  • New York is one of five states that mandates County governments pay a portion of the State cost of Medicaid.
  • Read the whole thing. It’s good to know where every cent of our tax dollar goes, but it’s maddening also.