Top News Stor(ies) of Huletts: 2011

While I’ve been writing here on the Huletts Current, I’ve gotten in the habit of posting what I consider to be the top news story of Huletts Landing from the past year.This year was tough to pick, so I ultimately decided to name two stories as “co-top stories” of Huletts 2011.

Before announcing my decision (which is entirely my own), I did this because when I looked back at the emails I received this past year, one story generated consistent questions throughout the entire year and the other story generated huge volumes of email in just one week.

So for 2011, the Huletts Current declares the top co-stories from Huletts Landing to be ………..

The completion of the cell phone tower and the damage caused by Hurricane Irene.

The cell phone tower was finally approved in 2011 by the Adirondack Park Agency. It was constructed, painted green and finally came on-line. As the summer ended Huletts got walloped by Hurricane Irene which careened toward Vermont and caused even greater devastation there. These two stories dominated the conversation in Huletts in 2011. As such, I consider them equally the biggest news stories of the year. They were different, but they were both huge stories in their own right.

I tried to cover both; giving updates on the cell tower as soon as I learned anything new, and finding places with power and cell phone service where I could update the Huletts Current remotely while we were without power caused by Irene.

So for me, 2011 will ultimately be remembered as the year that we made it through Irene and Huletts got a little closer to the rest of the world with AT&T cell phone service.

On to 2012!