Book Announcement: Coming Soon

Over the past year and a half, my writing on this site has been off a bit because I have been working on a very special project.

I am now happy to announce ….. drum roll………. that my second book is officially complete and headed to the presses!!!

So on Monday, January 9, 2012 I will announce here on the Huletts Current, the title of the book, tell you something about it, and do a public unveiling of the cover.

You will have to wait a few more days but the book has something to do with ………….. you guessed it ………. Huletts Landing and Lake George!!

I’ve spent the last year compiling some exquisite and quite rare photographs, and researching a topic which I guarantee all lovers of Huletts and Lake George history will find interesting. This past year has brought me to some very interesting places while I’ve researched this book.

So stop back on Monday, January 9, 2012 to learn more about: what the new book is about, the publisher and the release date. You’ll get a preview of the cover as an added bonus!

During the week following Monday, January 9th, I’ll be posting some of the top reasons why you’ll want to purchase this book.

This is one volume that everyone will want to have on their bookcase. You’ll see it here on the Huletts Current for the first time on Monday, January 9, 2012.