Top Stories From Year Three

To recap the last year, I link to the top 10 posts from the Huletts Current. From “Bits of Everything”, “Sign Time”, “Now For Some History”, and “Saturday Quote”, I hope you’ve enjoyed them all.

Interviews and original news stories, top the list again.

1. Beautiful Day for a Plane Ride
2. Pictures of Albany Chapel Dedicated to Dr. DeRossi
3. Interview with Bob Banks, Town Supervisor
4. Cell Phone Tower Permit Issued
5. Interview with School Board Candidate, George Armstrong
6. Interview with Congressman Chris Gibson
7. Ridge Near Deer’s Leap Collapses
8. LGA’s New Ad Campaign
9. Huletts Milfoil Site Cleared
10. I Got a Funny Feelin

On to the next year and one bit of Huletts history that I’ll break here …. one day in year four!