Three Years Old Today!

Thank you for continuing to read the Huletts Current.

Today is November 9, 2011 which is exactly three years since my first post on the Huletts Current in 2008.

So this was my third full year blogging on this site, and I continue to hear from people who enjoy reading it.

It’s difficult to collect original information and novelty news especially in the “off-season” but my committment is to continue to post those things that I think you ,the reader, will be interested in. Know that when things get a little “slow”, I’m working on putting something up on the site as quickly as possible.

Huletts has a unique charm and the “news” around town is always interesting to uncover. I’ve been told my “voice” is quite unique but that’s because I never really know what I’m going to post from one day to another.

Now what can I say about the year ahead? OK – one fun surprise and news item is on the way. I’ve been working on a major project (which has cut into my writing on this site), which I will announce the completion of here, sometime in the next year. One hint, the left sidebar will change.

For all those lovers of history and Huletts Landing…. well you’ll just have to wait. I’m not going to say when I’m going to announce it. You’ll just have to stop back and enjoy year 4!

Tomorrow, I’ll recap the top stories from year 3.