School Admits Falling Enrollment – Plans Tax Increase

The Whitehall Times has an eye-opening article on the problems Whitehall has made for itself by the school board’s out of control tax and spend policies.

Finally, the plummeting enrollment of the Whitehall school district can’t be hidden anymore. Readers of the Huletts Current have known about this for some time now. What is the school’s board’s response? A proposed property tax increase of 13% at this time, which taxpayers of the district (including Huletts Landing) will be expected to pay.

Here’s an idea for the Whitehall School board. The plummeting enrollment (which all of New York is experiencing) is directly related to policies that always assume that the taxpayer can continue to match the spending increases that our school board regularly enacts. Look around Whitehall, the town is in serious decline and has been for some time.

The plummeting enrollment is expected to get worse over the next ten years. The discussion needs to include mothballing buildings, cutting spending drastically and lowering property taxes.