Bits of Everything

Washington County Proposed Budget: Tax Increase Smaller / Transfer Stations Open

The Wash Blog has a quick synopsis of Washington County’s finance committee meeting this past week.

Counties Fear State Mandates

North Country Public Radio has a great piece on how state mandates drive up property taxes.

Medicaid is the big cost. But when all the mandates are added together, counties wind up spending 90 percent of their tax-revenue on things that Albany is making them do.

Steve LaVigne with the state Association of Counties. “Medicaid alone costs property taxpayers over $7 billion a year. So if the state were to take over full fiscal responsibility for the Medicaid program, the counties could begin to reduce the property tax,” LaVigne argued.

Vermont @ Siena / Local Schools Tip Off Tonight

For all our college basketball fans, a fun local game previewed here on the Saints Blog.