Happy 2nd Birthday!

Today is November 9, 2010 which is exactly two years since my first post on the Huletts Current. So now the Huletts Current is officially two years old. The day I started this adventure in blogging, my wife said; “It will be difficult for you to find enough interesting tidbits during the winter when things are slow.” So while things have been slow at times, I’ve at least tried to keep things interesting the last two years.

I continue to look for a variety of information about those things that would interest you, the reader. The responses I received throughout the year have been generally positive and indicate that the Huletts Current continues to draw a significant readership. Hopefully you’ve gotten some enjoyment from the site and learned a thing or two when you’ve stopped by. I’m always looking for interesting interview candidates and if you have any info that you think other people would be interested in, I always enjoy hearing from you. Some of the best ideas have been generated by many of you, so thank you for the ideas.

To celebrate our second year, I wanted to share an email that I received which captures what I hoped to do with the Huletts Current.

Dear George:

My husband and I stayed at Huletts in 2007 and 2008. He has been ill and we have been unable to take a vacation the past two years. I just have to tell you how much I have enjoyed the web cams. I have been able to take a short “virtual vacation” when I get a spare moment. The cams have kept me close to a place I really love and enjoy. Sometimes I can almost smell the pine. Thank you and thank you to the people who have kept the links up and running.

Gail Hoppe

Well Gail, it’s been my pleasure the last two years trying to update everyone about the “goings-on” in and around Huletts. My thanks go out also to our web-cam providers who are sharing their wonderful views.

To recap the last year I thought I would link to the top 10 posts from our second year:

1. Back to the Huletts School
2. Interview with School Board Candidate, Mark DeLuca
3. Local Catholic Church Renovation Plan Presented
4. Spring Smelt Run Started
5. Cell Phone Tower Update
6. An Interview with Olympic Athlete, Erin Hamlin
7. Whitehall Says NO to Growth, Jobs & Expanded Tax Base
8. Cell Phone Tower in Firehouse’s Future?
9. Absentee Ballots Counted: Town Board Race
10. Diseased Oak Tree Taken Down

On to year three.