Email to the Editor

Dear Editor:

The Lake George Association is concerned about the decision made by the Department of Environmental Conservation to discontinue retrieving garbage from collection centers on the Lake George islands. We urge the DEC to reconsider this decision and ask local citizens who love Lake George to join us in finding a better solution.

Expecting our natural resources to bear the burden of cost cutting is fiscally irresponsible. At the LGA, we believe that the cost of cleaning up this problem will be higher than preventing it from happening in the first place.

Alternative solutions could result from a dialogue with Lake users. The LGA has considerable experience on the Lake and a deep understanding of boating, recreation and water quality. Given the opportunity to discuss the situation with the DEC, we could help find a solution that continues to protect Lake George and the water we use for drinking, swimming, fishing and boating.

While the “carry in – carry out” policy is ideal in theory, trash finds its way into the Lake regardless of policies. One isolated example: after Log Bay Day 2010, the LGA hauled away several large bags of trash.

Even conscientious Lake users need a convenient way to dispose of trash. It is considerably easier to empty trash at a central collection point than to clean up wind-blown garbage, especially when it has left an island and gone on to desecrate the Lake.

To allow trash to enter Lake George — after generations of exemplary stewardship by DEC staff — would be shameful.


C. Walter Lender
Executive Director
Lake George Association