Rosenthal Joins LGA Staff

The Lake George Association, a not-for-profit membership organization that protects Lake George, announced today that Lynne M. Rosenthal has joined the organization as Communications Coordinator. She will be responsible for print and electronic publications, media and government relations, and the organization’s website. Previously she served as the Assistant Director for the World Awareness Children’s Museum of Glens Falls, and as an Educational Program Manager for the WSWHE BOCES in Saratoga Springs. She holds a B.S. degree in marketing management from Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia.

“Lynne has joined us during our 125th anniversary year, and we couldn’t be more delighted,” said Walt Lender, Executive Director of the Lake George Association. “Lynne not only brings a strong background in communications and marketing to the LGA, but also a wealth of experience working for not-for-profit educational organizations. The LGA is proud of its leadership role in education, from the lake friendly outreach work we do for people planning projects on the lake, to our Floating Classroom and in-school programs. Lynne will play an instrumental role in all of our efforts.”

Ms. Rosenthal has lived in Lake George since 1999 with her husband and two sons. She is a flutist and vocalist with the Lake George Community Band and enjoys swimming, kayaking and camping on the lake in the summer, and hiking and cross-country skiing in the mountains surrounding the lake during other times of the year. “Just as the founders of the LGA said when they established the organization 125 years ago, I want to give something back to a lake which has given so much to me,” said Ms. Rosenthal. “I was amazed to learn the LGA is the oldest lake association in the United States. I am also impressed by the scope and number of projects the LGA has completed over the past year. While the amount of the work the LGA produces certainly will make my job challenging, the fact that so many of the organization’s projects produce concrete results, makes the job easier. I am eager to get the word out about the LGA’s many educational programs and lake saving projects.”