The Wind & The Current

Over the last month, I’ve noticed some performance issues with the website so I’ve decided to move it to a new hosting company. This will mean some “growing pains” but by the end of February the Huletts Current will be migrated to a new server and you’ll see some additional improvements.

In researching where I would move the site to, I noticed several innovative companies that offered “Green Web Hosting”. Does this mean the server is painted green? No. What it does mean is that after we move, we will be a green-certified web site, where our data center and server will all be powered by 100% wind energy.

The company we are migrating to will offset all of their electricity use with wind-generated Renewable Energy Certificates, which prevent the release of 2,660 metric tons of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere each year. I know, while breathing the clean Adirondack air, that is something we all care about.

To put this in perspective, the estimated yearly benefit to the environment is equivalent to either one of the following:

1.) Planting approximately 2,390 acres of trees or
2.) Not driving 6.1 million miles

One of the misnomers that the environmental movement perpetuates is that it is only through regulation and the taking of property rights that the environment can be protected. They forget the power of innovation and the fact that people’s actions can change without regulation. We can choose to walk more, drive less and recycle all on our own.

So shortly without any cost to you, when you read the Huletts Current, feel the wind bristling through the air and know you’re helping the environment. We’ll keep you updated as we move.