Bits of Everything

DEC Demands Lake George Village Make Sewage Upgrades

The Adirondack Almanack has a good story about some improvements that will hopefully be made in Lake George Village.

Small Town Vulnerable: USPS loses $3.8 billion for Year as Volume Falls

The Washington Post reports on the problems at the U.S. Postal Service because of falling mail volume. Remember, please buy your postage form the Huletts Post Office.

Have Yourself a Microscopic Christmas: The World’s Smallest Snowman

Just in time with the first snow, Mail Online has pictures of the world’s smallest snowman.

Old Lake Champlain Bridge: Demolition Soon; Public Invited to Safely View ‘Implosion’

Denton Publications Online lets everyone know the meeting schedule today in Ticonderoga where it will be announced what is going on with the Lake Champlain bridge.