Bits of Everything

West Brook Project Awarded $2.5 Million

The Village of Lake George has been awarded a $2.5 million by the state Department of Transportation to be used to complete the public park elements of the West Brook Conservation Initiative, Denton Publications reports.

“The park will consist of walking paths, an extension of the Warren County bike trail, restrooms, a children’s play area, fitness trails and interpretive educational areas. The conservation initiatives will dramatically reduce the nutrients and solids reaching the lake that has contributed to a large delta at the foot of West Brook.”

Read the whole piece.

Washington County Taxes: 2008-2010

Nick Reisman at the Wash Blog takes a good look at Washington County taxes from 2008-2010. The Post Star has done a great job covering the tax problems of many local jurisdictions.

Girl Scouts Split over Sale of Camp in Fort Ann

The Albany Times Union reports that the Girl Scouts of Northeastern New York want to sell Camp Little Notch, a 2,300-acre Girl Scout camp in Fort Ann. However, another group wants to keep the camp open. The Friends of Camp Little Notch have organized to try to buy the camp. See their website here.