Oral Histories Needed

One project that the Friends of Historic Huletts is working on, is recording oral histories from longtime residents and people associated with Huletts Landing to preserve our area’s unique history.

We all have stories to tell, stories we have lived from the inside out. We organize these memories of our lives into stories.

Oral history is the systematic collection of living people’s testimony about their own experiences. Historians have finally recognized that the everyday memories of everyday people, not just the rich and famous, have historical importance. If we do not collect and preserve those memories, those stories, then one day they will disappear forever.

Friends of Historic Huletts would like to start an “oral history bank”, composed of recordings, video and testimony that is specific to the experiences of people from Hulett’s Landing. Oral history depends upon human memory and the spoken word. With the proliferation of camcorders and YouTube, this could be a great project and open to all.

Do you have a unique memory of Huletts? Then record it. Better yet, can you identify someone who has some great memories or stories about Huletts? Then ask them to sit for an interview where their narrative can be recorded.

I will be doing a few of these in the months ahead and posting them here. This is truly a worthy endeavor that everyone can join in and and learn from.