Stream Rules Postponed Again

The Lake George Park Commission released this press release yesterday.

The LGPC finds itself in the absurd position of complying with the Governor’s Executive Order 17 which mandates that the Commission supply to the Governor’s Office a “summary of input sought and obtained from the affected local governments…,” when almost every municipality in the basin has opposed the regulations because they were summarily ignored by the Park Commission when the rules were drafted.

Municipalities around the lake opposed to the rules, include the Supervisors of Warren and Washington counties, and the Towns of Lake George, Bolton, Warrensburg, Hague, Dresden, and Putnam.

Why not try working with the Towns in the basin? Does anyone think any of the Towns are going to cut back on road salt, which is the single greatest factor contributing to the Lake’s overall health, when the LGPC in effect tells them to “go jump in the Lake?” (No pun intended.)

I asked the Lake George Commission months ago about this and never received a response. They can ignore my questions, and they can ignore the municipalities, but they can’t ignore the Governor. The saga continues.

Can you imagine the phone calls? “How can we tell the Governor in writing we included the Towns when we didn’t?”