New BOOK DROP at the Huletts Gallery & Library

The Huletts Gallery and Library has added a BOOK DROP for returns and donations, located conveniently in the overhead door to the equipment bay along Lands End Road. We can thank longtime resident Ira Doell for the good work of making and installing it.

The Gallery hopes that the new BOOK DROP will increase library usage by making returns more convenient, effectively extending the library hours.

Visitors and residents leaving the landing can also drop off books they no longer need to add to the Library collection. Shelf space was doubled from last year, so there is now plenty of space. The bulk of the collection is popular paperback, but it is hoped that more hardcover and books on area history will be added over time. The Library asks that any rare or high value books be left during regular library hours to avoid the risk of any damage in the drop.

A new door has been added at the rear of the building to make access easier via a gravel path on either side of the building.

The Library is staffed by the Ladies Guild of the Mountain Grove Memorial Church. Volunteers are sought to help man the library, and it is hoped that in 2010 there will be sufficient volunteers and interest to allow a third day.

The Gallery and Library is free to all residents, renters, and visitors and no registration is required (there is a register if you care to sign in). Visitors are encouraged to browse both the book stacks and the exhibits, currently large format reproductions of vintage postcards and some old photographs from the Huletts Area.

Regular hours are 10:00 to 12:00 Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout the Summer.