They Were a Diverse Group

I took away two things from the NY Giant’s training camp that I wasn’t really aware of before I attended. The first was the fact that the players come from all areas of the country and were actually more diverse than I had expected. Gone are the days, when players on a certain team actually came from the city they played for. I can see that the coaches have to work to turn these very different men into a cohesive unit. The second thing was that many have distinct interests away from football. I wanted to explore these because I figured they always get asked football questions but their own interests are probably as interesting also.

I asked to interview Madison Hedgecock, the Giant’s fullback, because I had heard he was interested in Civil War history. He grew up in the South and attended North Carolina University, so his perspective was a bit different than from someone who grew up in the North. Here he tells a short story about a renowned Southern general that I found interesting.


For many people living in the Northeast, we are at times unfamiliar with many Southern historical figures. J.E.B. Stuart was a legendary Southerner, and is considered one of the greatest cavalry commanders ever in American history. General Robert E. Lee is reported to have said after Stuart’s death that he could hardly keep from weeping at the mere mention of Stuart’s name and that Stuart had never given him a bad piece of information.

To learn more about J.E.B. Stuart click here.