Free Stuff Saves Money & Environment

I’ve noticed recently that more people are leaving old items out on the roadway for others to take by marking it as “Free”.

Yesterday I was on my way to Whitehall and I came across this little display covered with plastic because of the rain.

I stopped and opened it and found some interesting stuff. All of which you could take for free.

There was a remote control Dinosaur, some sheets, some interesting books, a puzzle and alot of other useful items. The word “Free” must trigger something in your psyche, because as I was leaving I heard brakes squeal and someone else stop. I picked up a few children’s books for my almost 3 year old niece who quickly started reading one about “pond life”. (She is studying ponds in school.)

I think this is one of those simple win-win-win all around ideas that more people should try. We have left free stuff opposite the Post Office on a few occasions this summer and all of it disappeared. It’s a win to the person getting rid of the stuff because you don’t have to lug it to the recycling center and pay to discard it. It’s a win for the person taking the stuff because you walk away with free stuff and finally it’s a win for the environment because the stuff doesn’t end up in the garbage pile.

I think we’ll see more of this in the days ahead. Perhaps you even have some “free stuff” hanging around your house.