Children’s Program a Success

17 children, aged 4-12, attended the first children’s program at the new Huletts’ “Gallery”.

Pam Judge Wilson and Lucinda Heidsiek Bhavsar organized a children’s program last Friday at the new Huletts’ “Gallery”, where an engaging docent from Fort Ticonderoga spoke to the children. The kids learned what it was like to be a soldier in the revolutionary war. They made tri-fold hats, examined the contents of a habersack, practiced marching commands, and dressed up in 18th century clothing. The children even asked the docent to come back next year! What a great event for the local youth (and Mom & Dad on a rainy day). Thank you Pam and Lucinda for adding something great to the community.

There will be another children’s program this summer which we’ll tell you about as we get closer.