Foster Brook Delta Permit Issued

I just got a phone call from the Lake George Association and the DEC has issued the final permit to remove the delta from the mouth of Foster Brook. Congratulations to all involved!!

Additionally, the LGA has also gotten a large donation to put them almost over the top in their fundraising campaign for this project. They are now only $10,000 short of meeting their goal. However, they are sending the project out to bid and are hoping to get contractors for less than they had budgeted.

Please remember that the Lake George Association is the premier lake saving organization. There are other environmental groups out there who may have “catchy” names but who work for either an extreme anti-people agenda or who simply object to every project proposed. I have personally spent almost 2 years working with the LGA on this project and I can tell you this is the organization that is actually doing something.

Thank you Lake George Association for making the Foster Brook dredging happen!