Bits of Everything

Adirondacks Need Help

The Saratogian reports on a study that shows the Adirondack Park region needs economic revitalization. I’ve noticed recently that many local volunteer fire companies are starving for volunteers. This is a bad sign. This is all related to out of control taxes and extreme environmental regulations that are stemming growth of any kind. We live in an area where there is no cell phone or high-speed Internet available for the majority of the population. This is a perfect recipe for oblivion.

Post Star Advocates Taxation without Representation

The Post Star ran an editorial where they opine that Washington and Essex Countes should help pay for Warren County Boat patrols, even though the minute you step into the lake from the east shore you’re no longer in Washington County. The basic problem with this is that Washington and Essex Counties aren’t in Warren County. Why is it that everyone always wants our money and never wants to give us representation? An arrangement like this would quickly lead to political patronage jobs for Warren County which other counties would have to pay for and have no control to stop. Boos to the editors of the Post Star for encouraging tyranny. Here’s a response that will work better for Washington and Essex counties. Warren County should give us their sales tax revenue and any revenue they derive from the private islands in Lake George and we’ll decide if we want to pay for our own boat patrols!