The Casino at Huletts Landing

If you haven’t been in Huletts all winter, we invite you to stop by the Casino this summer because there are some positive changes in store for 2009.

Significant work has been done on the building.

The bathrooms have been completely remodeled and a new roof and windows have been added. The front room has been updated and the last two sides of the building will be painted in June.

The hours will be more “community friendly”.

The hours will be more consistent and the Casino will close earlier in the evening. These are the tentative hours for the 2009 season:

Tuesday – Thursday: 5pm-11pm
Friday & Saturday: 5pm-2am
Sunday: 5-9pm

There will be a new Wine and Cheese Social Hour every Saturday evening at 7 pm. So join your friends for a glass of wine and complimentary cheese and crackers.

The building is under new management.

Leann Ingalls, who has run successful area restaurants and who has catered dinners in the Casino, has taken over the operation from Justin and Heather. Leann has been working in the Casino since January and you will really like what she has done. She will be offering private chef services so whether it’s family visiting, or a large gathering, she can prepare any event. Just call ahead to discuss menu and prices. We’ll be doing an interview with Leann in the weeks ahead so that you can learn about her connection to Huletts, and about her.

There will be cool things happening there.

A number of interesting events are in the works for this summer. This will include family events, interesting speakers, social activities and more. So you’ll want to stop by and enjoy. We’ll see you at the Casino this summer.

The Casino at Huletts Landing
Opening Soon for 2009