Third Annual Firemen’s Appreciation Dinner a Great Success

The Washington County Beach Pavilion was decorated as an Hawaiian beach to celebrate our volunteer firemen’s dedication this past year.

On Saturday evening, August 12, 2017, the pavilion at the Washington County Park was transformed into a colorful Hawaiian setting that would indeed be the envy of any Hollywood movie back-lot production company. This event marked the 3rd Annual Huletts Volunteer Firemen’s Appreciation Dinner honoring the men and women of our community for their dedicated volunteer services.

It should be noted that each year the State of New York returns to our fire company 2 percent of what is paid in fire insurance premiums in our district. Furthermore, State law dictates that; (1) This money must be spent for the good and welfare of the firemen; (2) Maintained in a separate account; and (3) Regularly certified by audit. In compliance with those mandates, as was done in our two prior annual dinners, the fire company used $1,300 of those funds for this year’s event.

Fire Chief, Jay VanderPlaat, expressed his gratitude to all the members of the Company for their outstanding record of accomplishments in responding to the many emergencies that the HLVFC was called into the past year. He also gave high praise to the men and women responsible for the planning and creation of the many props and decorations that so appropriately supported the evening’s Hawaiian theme. Jay also was also appreciative for the great turnout of family and friends of the firefighters who were able to join in the celebration.

All in all, it was a fun filled evening with guests participating in: “Limbo Contests” … “Passing the Grapefruit” … “Hawaiian Hula Dancing” and “Best Costume” awards. Here are a few of the highlight photos capturing the various activities and moods of this very happy occasion.

Many thanks to all those who made this evening such a great success.