Phone Outage Caused by Compromised Cable

On Wednesday, July 26th, at about 7:30 pm, people started noticing that there was no cell or land-line phone service in the Landing. All internet traffic was also cut off. To be blunt – this was a serious communication and safety issue. No phone or internet service at all in the entire landing.

The Huletts Landing Volunteer fire department opened the fire house doors, put a fire engine out by the street with a sign and manned the fire house from 8:00 pm until midnight. They had a sign-up sheet that would take us thru the next day with firemen on call continuously. Our only means of communication with the 911 desk in Fort Edward for fire and medical emergencies was by radio on the fire engine. I hope the community saw or realized what to do in case of an emergency.

Huletts Landing is served by a Verizon fiber optic cable that was compromised (most likely by an animal) somewhere close to or in Whitehall.

So the “bottom line” is when our fiber optic line gets compromised, we quickly realize how rural we are. Our cell tower communicates with the outside world the same way our house phones do.

So many thanks go out to our Fire Chief, Jay VanderPlaat, and all the dedicated volunteers of the Huletts Landing Volunteer Fire department. Please thank your fireman (who is also your neighbor) for their commitment to public safety and for all they do for all of us!