Catholic Chapel of the Assumption Interior Renovation in Progress

The new floor of the Chapel of the Assumption can be seen with all the pews removed for refinishing. (Click image to see full-scale.)

Despite the severe winter weather we’re having, work is progressing on the proposed improvements to the Chapel of the Assumption, namely to redo the floor and refinish the pews. Shortly after the Columbus Day weekend, all the pews were removed and taken to be refinished. The work on the floor is nearly complete, that is, removing the unsightly tiles that covered the aisles and covering the entire floor with new hardwood oak flooring.

The wall partition behind the altar. (Click image to see full-scale.)

As the pews and floor were removed, the discolored surface of the wall partition behind the altar was also refinished. This was sorely needed and if done later, could have spread abrasive sawdust all over the newly finished floor and pews. The refinished pews will be brought back and reinstalled, ready for the 2014 Memorial Day Mass. Timing necessitated that this necessary work be done while people were away, and the hope is that it will be covered by generous sacrificial donations, as Our Lady of Hope has made a contribution to cover the chapel’s costs initially.

Over the last decade or two, many other maintenance issues have also been addressed, not as noticeable as the current project but equally important. The outside paint has been continually kept up; a water supply has been brought into the sacristy; the slate roof and the stained glass have been repaired; a new front entrance, new lighting fixture, and a sound system were installed; a handicapped walkway was poured; the big old rotten oak tree in the rear was removed; the electric service and lighting was upgraded; the altar tile was updated; and most recently air-conditioning was added for many who have been so debilitated by the heat and humidity that they have had to leave Mass at times. All of these necessary upgrades were done with past donations of time, energy, and money apart from the weekly offerings.

The renovation will be completed by the 2014 Memorial Day weekend. (Click image to see full-scale.)

For a tiny Adirondack hamlet we are indeed fortunate to have a vibrant Catholic community willing to take an interest in our Chapel’s upkeep and, most importantly, a priest who will faithfully serve us. Hopefully it will be ongoing. If you are in “Huletts” this winter or spring and would like to see the progress, please call either Mrs. Cathy Aiken or Mrs. Carol Borin to have the chapel opened.

If you would like to make a donation to this needed work, please send your contribution to: Mission Chapel of the Assumption c/o Our Lady of Hope, 9 Wheeler Avenue, Whitehall, NY 12887.

Many thanks to all those who have and/or will in the future contribute to this valuable work.