Mutual Aid Fire Drill is a Success

Members of three fire departments pose in front of the Huletts Casino after a mutual aid drill. (Click on image to see full-scale.)

Today, the Huletts Volunteer Fire Department, the Dresden Volunteer Fire Department and the Whitehall Volunteer Fire Department held a combined fire drill to simulate a response to a fire in Huletts Landing.

The drill took place in front of the Huletts Casino. Below are pictures from the event. Many thanks to all the volunteers who took part!! (All pictures clickable for full-view.)

Huletts volunteers at work.

Water was pumped from Lake George up the road.

The Whitehall Volunteer Department’s ladder high above the Casino.

Whitehall volunteers at work.

Whitehall volunteers pump water from the lake.

Bill Ingleston from the Dresden Fire Department

Huletts fireman, Bernie Derencin, worked crowd control.

A worthwhile experience for all involved.

Many thanks to the fine individuals who protect our communities!