Interview with Bob Banks, Town Supervisor

Continuing my coverage of town offices up for election this year, today’s candidate interview is with Bob Banks, the current Town Supervisor. Mr. Banks is the longest serving Town Supervisor in the history of the town. While he is currently running unopposed, I thought this would be an opportune time to ask him some questions about his positions.

To begin, you are now the longest serving Town Supervisor in the history of the town of Dresden. Could you tell us what this feels like and what your continued hopes for the future are for the town?

I’m proud of the way I’ve served and represented the Town on the Board and as Supervisor. I try to allow people in the Town and County to have as much freedom to pursue their desires. I believe that government is here to assist and provide needed services that people cannot provide for themselves.

Many of our newer town residents don’t remember that you grew up in Huletts. Could you tell us a little bit about your history in the town and growing up in Huletts?

I first came to Huletts in 1960 camping on an island with my Uncle Edwin Martin. He had been at the Hotel and Casino in the 1930s. The following year our family camped on an island for two weeks. After that my brother Bruce and I would spend the summer on the islands. Our parents would come up the first and last week of the summer and on most weekends. We purchased a “camp” near the Casino in 1965. I graduated high school in 1966 and cooked for George Eichler at the Casino that summer before going to school at the University of Vermont. After that, I joined the Naval Reserve in 1969, staying in after active duty, and retiring in 2008.

Could you tell us something about yourself? (Hobbies, interests, qualifications?)

I enjoy hunting and fishing. In the Naval Reserve I advanced to the Rank of Senior Chief Gunners Mate (E-8) and served as a small arms instructor and technician. I still work on guns and teach marksmanship.

The Town Supervisor sits on the board of supervisors which is responsible for running the county. Could you tell us what committees you serve on and what you envision happening at the county level this year?

I currently chair the Intercounty Solid Waste Coordinating Committee and was chairman when the refinancing was done saving Warren and Washington counties millions over the last 7 years. I am serving on the Finance, Public Works, Public Safety, and Human Services committees, represent the County on the Region 5 Fish and Wildlife Management Board (Former Region and State Chairman), the Region 5 Open Space Committee, the Intercounty Legislative Committee of the Adirondacks, and the Adirondack Park Local Government Review Board.

You’ve always been known as a defender of property rights while also being a protector of the environment. You kept the Washington County beach open and saw two sewer systems built in Dresden. Where does Dresden go from here in the future?

We’ll see.

Taxes, taxes, and taxes are always the big issue in Huletts. Can you give some thoughts how we can keep taxes low?

Think before we act, and not go where we don’t belong.

I’d finish the interview by wishing you good luck in the election, but because you’re running unopposed I think its a foregone conclusion that the voters have already made up their mind. How do you run for election when you’re unopposed?

Very quietly. Thank You. Bob Banks