Pictures of Albany Chapel Dedicated to Dr. DeRossi

The Chapel at the Teresian House in Albany is dedicated to longtime Huletts resident, Francis DeRossi, M.D.

There are moments in life, when we all step back and remember good friends who have done good things with their lives. This was the case recently when I stopped in the Teresian House in Albany and froze in my tracks when I saw the above pictured plaque.

The Teresian House Center for the Elderly is a long term care facility for the elderly run by the Catholic Carmelite sisters. Longtime Huletts resident, Francis DeRossi was the medical director there for 27 years. Dr. DeRossi died a few years ago and is remembered fondly by many in Huletts Landing. I have many good memories of Dr. DeRossi; playing golf, fishing and just taking the time to be hospitable to so many.

I had heard that after his passing, the chapel at the Teresian House was dedicated in his honor. So when I found myself in Albany recently, I stopped in to pay a visit.

I know many people in Huletts who knew Dr. DeRossi would be interested in learning about the chapel, but are unable to stop in Albany. So I thought I would share a few pictures.

When I stopped in, I had to ask the person at the front desk where the chapel was and was directed down the first floor hallway. When I came upon the plaque commemorating the chapel in Dr. DeRossi’s name, (which is outside of the chapel), I froze because the bronze relief is so well done and his likeness is so authentic. Memories of Dr. DeRossi came flooding back to me, so I wanted to share here what I saw because so many people remember Dr. DeRossi and his many good deeds.

I have to conclude by giving the Teresian House due credit. They could not have picked a better person to commemorate their chapel in honor of. Huletts was certainly fortunate to have him as a resident for so many years.

“May God support us all the day long, till the shades lengthen and the evening comes, and the busy world is hushed, and the fever of life is over, and our work is done. Then in His mercy may He give us a safe lodging, and a holy rest and peace at the last.”

(Click on the images to see full scale.)