Huletts Milfoil Site Cleared

Workers spent three days removing benthic barriers at the Huletts site after almost no milfoil was found.

When workers checked the site where milfoil had been previously found off of Huletts this week, they found that the milfoil was no more.

That’s right, the benthic barriers did their job and the milfoil was basically gone. (A worker told me when I kayaked out that they “only found one plant”, which was normal, and that was hand harvested.)

Benthic barriers are a bottom covering material designed to separate the growing media from sunlight and prevent the growth of plants in particular areas. Basically without light, photosynthesis stops and the plants die. These barriers had been installed in years past to control the growth of milfoil at the Huletts site.

So for three days, they removed the benthic barriers and will check back again next year. So if everything holds and there is no regrowth, this will go in the books as a successfully managed site that is now clear.